Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Florida Bugs.

Dear Beth and Skip,
I've been having a problem lately that i think you guys can relate to. It's been twice in the past three weeks that ive found myself staring a palmetto bug 3 feet from me. Ewwwwwww. My mom and dad are over my behavior (crying and screaming). I am over Florida's conditions. Are the bugs there less scary? Because i think this past event alone (in which i found one in my room less than 10 min. ago) is pushing me very far to coming to be with you.
I don't think people like my mom and dad really grasp the kinda thinks a palmetto bug encounter does to a person.
A. they become afraid (and jumpy) at the slightest movement, or sight, of anything unexpected. i mean, ANYTHING.
B. people like to tease said "scared person" till the point of tears. People like my dad and brother (and skip i guess would do the same thing). Do they like seeing me hurt my back because of the spasm i get when the run their hands across my arm? Come on guys. What would Jesus do?
C.they become sleep deprived and itchy. If the bug comes near the bed (which in this case did), theres no way they'll sleep peacefully in it for days. And they often find themselves itching all over. It IS possible they could have crawled on you...even though you saw them die.
Though all this may not apply to you, i had to let you know. I am very disturbed and im hoping maybe my mom will read this and understand me a little better. Im hoping. But she'll probably laugh. Oh well. maybe ill see you guys in Costa Rica one day...i better go buy a lottery ticket...
Talk to you all soon, Love you!


  1. Dear Dramatic Child,
    I encounter those huge bugs almost on a daily basis trying to do YOUR laundry. In case you didn't know, they live in our garage as well as outside and in the drains. ;) They like to run from the towels (I tell you not to throw out on the floor of the garage) back to their happy home under the washer and dryer. I jump and go on with my life. You too can just step carefully and learn to accept them.
    Press on my dear daughter and know that the Swigers are probably going to give you a big WHAH Baby as they live in the JUNGLE.
    Love, Mom

  2. Anna, I beyond totally share your irrational fear of those disgusting bugs! You and your mom know how to make me laugh and laugh and laugh
