Thursday, May 6, 2010

Video Blog #1

Here you go! :) i hope you like fish....


  1. If you want the entire story you should also know that about 30 minutes after the fish were placed in the bowl, Amanda comes to me saying she can't find one of the fish. Seriously? Where could he go? Joshua found him moments later on the paper towel next to the tank, tried to pick him up while they bowl screamed in horror, dropped him on Amanda's floor and then got him successfully back in the tank. (Wow if they live 14 days, I will be shocked) ;)

  2. LOL!!!!!!! I LOVE this!!!! I totally felt like I was there. You guys have the gift to tell a hilarious story. Anna- great job on the movie making. Hope you still get to live life while filming it all of the time for us :) Welcome, Luisa, Penelope, and good choice not to bring home Brainiac. After the kids saw this video they immediately asked for a pet fish. We said that they can eat fish for dinner if they want.
    They passed. Love ya! Beth

  3. Oh dear Lord, one of the fish died tonight. It was "Swimmy" Amanda's fish - but it was Joshua who was upset because Anna laughed. It is a serious matter to him and not at all funny that the snail, who's primary job is to clean up the tank had Swimmy hanging half out of his shell. (Secretly wish I would have taken a picture before I removed the fish - I had to...we are still in the 14 day period and they will replace him for free but ewee it looked traumatic) Jim explained to Joshua that it is alright to be sad about the death of an animal but there is no need to act as dramatically as he did. And so stay on the edge of your seat....there will be a new name to share soon. And Joshua may kill the snail as he blames it all on him?

  4. Ok, so I know this is meant for the Swiger family, but my children are loving this! Blake was glued to the screen lol. Anna, you're a great video blogger, brigitte dale would be proud :) and Alisha, I must know, was the fish that died the paper towel fish?

  5. Yes it was the paper towel fish. Poor guy. and thank you! :) i just love talking into cameras ;)
